, Inc. Acquires General Asset Recovery, LLC
B-2-B Services to Include Live Auction, Internet Auction, Classifieds and More., Inc., the global healthcare marketplace, announced today that it has acquired Arlington Heights, Illinois–based healthcare auction company General Asset Recovery, LLC (GAR) . . .
Neoforma Press Release, August 17, 1999
eBusiness and the Supply Chain
Are you at risk of being “Amazoned?” Depending on who you talk to, it’s more a probability than a possibility . . . Can a fledgling dotcom company really swoop into health care and “re-intermediate,” as has done in the publishing industry? . . . “Any GPO or distributor that signs a contract with an e-commerce company will have just signed its own death warrant,” says one GPO executive . . .
The Health Strategist, August, 1999
Land Grab
It’s funny to think of eBay and as the dinosaurs of the Internet. But it’s becoming clearer that the Web’s real promise lies not so much in auctions and consumer sales, but in the exploding business-to-business market . . .
Forbes, August 23, 1999
Whenever we saw a gap in our organization, Bob, Jeff, some other manager or I would meet with others to discuss the need...